Get immediate treatment
Obtain emergency medical treatment in country immediately, of course. Make sure to write down your physician’s name and obtain a copy of your record. Make sure to keep records of all medical care received overseas. This is important for your DBA claim and settling your DBA claim, whether at a DBA mediation, or before.
Notify your employer
If your condition is not an emergency, notify your employer right away. It is advisable to have your employer complete the form LS-201 and give you a copy. If you are not provided the form, email your supervisor, and advise him in writing of your injury and any issues regarding your medical condition. Send a copy to yourself. Do this even if you spoke with your supervisor in person. If you need to obtain medical attention back in the States, write in the email that you require medical care due to the incident.
Get witness information
Write down the names, addresses, emails, and cellular numbers of all witnesses to the incident.
Choose your own physician
You are entitled to medical care under the Defense Base Act. When you arrive back in the U.S., you are entitled to choose your own physician. Do not let the DBA insurance company choose or suggest one for you. Ask friends and family for referrals. Ask your family doctor/internist for a recommendation for a specialist (neurosurgeon, orthopaedic surgeon, psychiatrist, etc.) or research online. If you need to go to the ER because of your injury, do so and let the insurance company know.
Talk to a DBA attorney
Speak to a DBA attorney experienced with DBA claims right away. Our DBA Lawyers do not charge a consultation fee. Our fees are paid by the insurance company at the end of a case, in the event of a DBA settlement, or after the resolution of a dispute in your favor. Our DBA attorney Tim Nies works quickly to make sure you receive the medical care you are entitled to and DBA compensation quickly under the Defense Base Act.
If you do not hire a DBA attorney, which we recommend that you do, make sure you complete and send in a Claim for Compensation, LS-203, right away.