Filing a DBA Claim for Camp Arifjan Injuries I am a Defense Base Act claimant’s attorney and a veteran of the US Army’s 3d Ranger Battalion. This article discusses filing…Read more »
How DBA Attorneys are Paid
How DBA Attorneys are Paid Introduction: The Defense Base Act (DBA) provides workers’ compensation benefits to employees working overseas on U.S. government contracts. When employees are injured or become ill…Read more »
Your First DBA Disability Check
Introduction Injured workers who sustain injuries while working overseas under a government contract may be entitled to compensation and benefits under the Defense Base Act (DBA). The DBA is an…Read more »
Defense Base Act Includes Injuries of Workers on U.S. Military Bases
The Defense Base Act includes injuries of workers on U.S. military bases. The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a federal law that provides workers’ compensation benefits to civilian employees working…Read more »
Five Ways to Maximize DBA Settlements
I am an Army Ranger Veteran and have been an attorney for over 23 years. With more than 14 years as a DBA attorney, I know how to maximize Defense…Read more »